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Top 157 Beers of the World

BEER Beer Goggles

Don't make any choices you might regret.

Posted by CollegeHumor on Thursday, September 8, 2016



Based on a highest rating of 5 stars, the following beers are those which come closest. Most are 4 stars or above, but as there aren’t that many with a rating that high I’ve included those with a high three star rating as well as a very few that dip into a high two star rating, and two or three that aren’t rated. If you don’t see your favorite beer here, don’t sweat it. This isn’t a comprehensive beer list, only a list I put together for a bar where all the competition up and down the avenue had 100 unique imported beers and I needed to do my own research. This list was the result.


  1. Aass Jubilee (Lager); Draamen, Norway (3.9)
  2. Aass Jule OL – Lager; Draamen, Norway (4.5)
  3. Abita Turbo Dog Dark Ale; Abita Springs, Lousiana (3.8)
  4. Adalscott Malt Liquor; Schiltigheim France (4.2)
  5. AEgean Hellas (Lager); Atalanti, Greece (4.2)
  6. Agulia Imperial Ale; Madrid, Spain (3.8)
  7. Alaskan Amber Alt; Juneau, Alaska (3.8)
  8. Alamaza Pilsener; Beiruit, Lebanon (3.9)
  9. Anchor Porter; San Francisco, California (4)
  10. Anchor Steam; San Francisco, California (3.9)
  11. Anchor Steam Wheat Draft; San Francisco, California (3.8)
  12. Anderson Valley Barney Flat Oatmeal Stout; Boonville, California (4)
  13. Anderson Valley’s Deep Ender Dark Porter; Boonville California (3.8)
  14. Artevelde Ale; Melle/Ghent, Belgium (4.1)
  15. Ayinger Dunkles Ur-Weisse; Aying, Germany (4)
  16. Ayinger Oktoberfest M„rzen (Lager); Aying, Germany (3.9)
  17. Ballintine India Pale Ale (3.8); Fort Wayne, Indiana
  18. Bandersnatch Milk Stout (Draft) (4); Tempe, Arizona
  19. Barbar Belgian Honey Ale; Belgium
  20. Barril Clara Pilsener (Draft) (3.8); Mexico City, Mexico
  21. Barril Oscura (4); Mexico City, Mexico
  22. Bass Pale Ale (3.8); Burton-on-Trent, England
  23. Bateman’s Dark Victory Ale; Waynefleet, England (3.8)
  24. Bellhaven Scottish Ale (4); Dunbar, Scottland
  25. Bieckert Especial Pilsener; Antartida, Argentina (4.2)
  26. Big Rock Royal Coachman Dry Ale; Calgary, Alberta, Canada (3.9)
  27. Bintang Pilsener (mp); Surabaya, Indonesia; Blanche de Bruges Wheat (3.9); Bruges, Belgium
  28. Boulevard Bully Porter (3.8); Kansas City, Missouri
  29. Brahma Pilsener; Rio de Jenero, Brazil (3.8)
  30. Bridgeport Old Knuckelhead Barley Wine Style Ale (4) ; Portland, Oregon
  31. Brigand Belgian Ale (3.8); Ingelmunster, Belgium
  32. Buckerfields Swan Oatmeal Stout (3.8); Victoria, British Columbia, Canada
  33. Cardinal Lager (4); Fribourg, Switzerland
  34. Catamount Porter (3.8); White River Junction, Vermont
  35. Celis White Hefe-Weizen (4); Austin, Texas
  36. Chicago’s Big Shoulders Porter (4); Chicago, Illinois
  37. Chimay Peres Trappistes Ale Premiere (Red Label); Chimay Abbey, Belgium (4.8)
  38. Coopersmith’s Horsetooth Stout (4); Ft. Collins, Colorado
  39. Coopersmith’s Punjabi India Pale Ale (3.8); Ft. Collins, Colorado
  40. Corsendonk Monk’s Brown Ale; Sigillum Monestary, Belgium (3.8)
  41. Corsendonk Monk’s Pale Ale; Sigillum Monestary, Belgium (4)
  42. Damm Pilsener; Barcelona/Valencia, Spain
  43. Dillon’s Six Shooter Red Ale; Chatsworth, California (3.8)
  44. Douglas Scotch Brand Ale (3.9); Antwerp, Belgium
  45. Duffy’s Ale (Draft) (4.1); Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada
  46. Duvel Ale; Breendonk, Belgium (2.9)
  47. Edelweiss Kristallklar Weizenbier; Salzburg, Austria (4)
  48. EKU Dark Hefe Weisbier (3.8); Kulmbach, Germany
  49. Erdinger Weissbier Dunkel; Erding, Germany (4)
  50. Erdinger Weissbier Hefetrub; Erding, Germany (4.4)
  51. Erdinger Weizenbock; Erding, Germany (3.8)
  52. Eske’s Bock; Taos, New Mexico (3.8)
  53. Ettaler Kloster Dunkeltaller (4.5); Ettal, Germany
  54. Felinfoel Double Dragon Ale (4.1); Llanelli, Wales
  55. Felinfoel Dragon Ale (4); Llanelli, Wales
  56. Felinfoel Hercules Ale (4); Llanelli, Wales
  57. Felinfoel Welsch Ale (3.9); Llanelli, Wales
  58. Fuller’s London Pride Ale (3.8); London, England
  59. Gouden Carolus Ale (3.9); Mechelen, Belgium
  60. Grant’s Imperial Stout (4.2); Yakima, Washington
  61. Grant’s Spiced Ale (3.9); Yakima, Washington
  62. Granville Island Bock (4.2); Vancouver, Canada
  63. Grimbergen Double Ale (4); Waterloo, Belgium
  64. Guiness Extra Stout (3.8); Dublin, Ireland
  65. Guiness Pub Draft (3.9); Dublin, Ireland
  66. Hale’s IPA Draft (4.4); Colville, Washington
  67. Hansa Dark Pilsener (4.1); Bergen, Norway
  68. Huanan (Lager) (3.8); Guangzhou, China
  69. Jindao (Lager) (4); Qingdao, China
  70. Kaiserdom Extra Dry Lager (3.9); Bamberg, Germany
  71. Kaiserdom Rauchbier (Smoked Bavarian Beer) (3.9); Bamberg, Germany
  72. Kirin Draft Pilsener (3.9); Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada
  73. Kirin Dry Draft Pilsener (4); Tokyo, Japan
  74. Kirin Ichiban Malt Liquor (4); Tokyo, Japan
  75. Kirin Beer (3.9); Tokyo, Japan
  76. Kiwi Lager (4); Timara, New Zealand
  77. Labatt Classic Lager (3.8); Toronto, Ontario, Canada
  78. Landskron Pils; Radeberg, Germany (3.8)
  79. Leon de Oro Cerveza Especial (Lager) (3.8); Antartida, Argentina
  80. Liefmans Kriekbier (3.9) ; Oudenaarde, Belgium
  81. Mackeson XXX Stout (4.1); London, England
  82. MacTarnahan’s Scottish Ale (3.8); Portland, Oregon
  83. Maisel’s Hefeweisse (4); Bayreuth, Germany
  84. Manhattan Extra Stout (Draft) (4); New York, New York
  85. Manhattan Winter Warmer Ale (Draft, Annual) (3.8); New York, New York
  86. Maredsous Abbey Ale; Denee, Belgium (4.1)
  87. Maui Lager (3.9); Maui, Hawaii
  88. McEwan’s Export Indian Pale Ale; Edinburgh, Scottland (4)
  89. McEwan’s Scotch Ale; Edinburgh, Scottland (3.8)
  90. McFarland Golden Fire Ale; Milan, Italy (3.9)
  91. Messina Pilsener; Milan, Italy (4.1)
  92. Millstream Lager (3.8); Amana, Iowa
  93. New Belgium Fat Tire Amber Ale; Ft. Collins, Colorado (3.9)
  94. New England Holiday Ale (Annual); Norwalk Connecticut (4)
  95. Old Australia Stout (3.8); Thebarton, South Australia, Australia
  96. Old Columbia Black’s Beach Extra Dark Porter (Draft); San Diego, California (4)
  97. Old Detroit Amber Ale; Frankenmuth, Michigan (3.8)
  98. Old Peculiar Ale; Mascham, England (3.8)
  99. Oldenberg Weisse; Ft. Mitchel, Kentucky (3.9)
  100. Paulaner Alt Mncher (3.9); Munich, Germany
  101. Paulaner Oktoberfest Lager (3.8); Munich, Germany
  102. Paulaner Salvator Doppelbock (4); Munich, Germany
  103. Pete’s Wicked Ale; New Orm, Minnesoda (3.8)
  104. Pilsener (4); Quito, Ecuador
  105. Prestige Stout; Port au Prince, Haiti (4)
  106. Raffo (Pilsener); Rome, Italy (3.9)
  107. Red Hook Blackhook Porter (4); Seattle, Washingon
  108. Bringnes Export Pale Pilsener; Oslo, Norway (4)
  109. Rio Bravo Estephan Dark Porter (Draft) (4.1); Albequerque, New Mexico
  110. Rio Bravo High Dessert Pale Ale (Draft) (4.2); Albequerque, New Mexico
  111. Rio Bravo O’Keefe Dry Irish Stout (4); Albequerque, New Mexico
  112. Ritterbr„u Pale Lager; Dortmund, Germany (4)
  113. Rogue Maierbach Ale; Newport, Oregon (3.9)
  114. Rogue Red Ale; Newport, Oregon (4.4)
  115. Rogue Shakespear Stout; Newport, Oregon (4.8)
  116. Royal Guard Pilsener; Santiago, Chile (3.8)
  117. Royal Oak Pale Ale; Dorchester, England (4.4)
  118. Samual Adams Triple Bock (4.7); Brewed at Bronco Winery in Ceres California for the Boson Brewing Company
  119. Samual Smith’s Oatmeal Stout ; Tadcaster, England (4)
  120. Samual Smith’s Imperial Stout; Tadcaster, England (4)
  121. Samual Smith’s Lager; Tadcaster, England (4)
  122. San Miguel Dark Pilsener (4.4); Manila, Phillipines
  123. Sante Fe Rubia Especial (Lager) (3.9); Sante Fe, Argentina
  124. Sapporo Black Malt Liquor (4); Tokyo, Japan
  125. Sapporo Black Malt Liquor (4.1); Tokyo, Japan (Japanese market only)
  126. Saranak Black & Tan Stout/Lager; Utica, New York (3.8)
  127. Schlafley Oatmeal Stout (Draft); St. Louis, Missouri (4)
  128. Schutzenberger Jubilator Bock (3.8); Schildigheim, France
  129. Siam Ale; Bangkok, Thailand (3.8)
  130. Southwark Premium Pilsener; Adelaide, South Australia, Australia (4.1)
  131. Spartan Lager (4); Atalanti, Greece
  132. St. Stands Amber Alt (3.8); Modesto, California
  133. St. Stands Dark Alt (3.9); Modesto, California
  134. Staropramin Pilsener (3.9); Praag, Chechoslovakia
  135. Steendonk White Ale; Breendonk, Belgium (3.9)
  136. Steinlager Pilsener; Auckland, New Zealand (3.8)
  137. Sun Valley Holiday Ale (Annual); Halley, Idaho (3.9)
  138. Sun Valley White Cloud Ale; Halley, Idaho (3.8)
  139. Tijuca (Pilsener) (3.8); Belem, Brazil
  140. Traquair House Ale (4.1); Innerleithen, Scottland
  141. Tusker Premium Lager; Nairobi, Kenya (4.3)
  142. Upper Canada Rebellion Malt Liquor (3.8); Toronto, Ontario, Canada
  143. Warsteiner Pilsener (3.9); Warstein, Germany
  144. Watney’s Cream Stout; London, England (3.9)
  145. Watney’s Red Barrel Lager; London, England (3.9)
  146. Waihenstephan Export Dunkel; Freising, Germany (4.1)
  147. Waihenstephan Weizen Bier; Freising, Germany (3.8)
  148. Westmalle Trappist Ale (4.3); Abbey of Westmalle, Belgium
  149. Whitbread Ale (Draft) (3.9); London, Sheffield, England
  150. Widmer Festbier Lager (Annual); Tigard, Oregon (3.8)
  151. Witkap-Pater Singel Abbey Ale; (4) Ninove, Belgium
  152. Xingu Black Beer (Stout/Lager) (4.5); Cacador, Brazil
  153. Young’s Oatmeal Stout; London, England (4.3)
  154. Young’s Old Nick Christmas Ale (Annual); London, England (3.9)
  155. Young’s Winter Ale (Annual); London, England (4-4.3)
  156. Yuchan Pilsner; Beijing, China (4)
  157. Yuengling Porter (4.1); Pottsville, Pennslyvania
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