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The Essential Bartender’s Guide to Becoming a Wine Expert, by Tom Blake

Tom Blake wrote a series of articles to help bartenders become wine experts. Years ago I followed the same road Tom did by starting the learning process with first getting to know the grape varieties. I’d always say to those I trained that they should think of wine grapes they way they do of citrus fruits. Lime juice tastes different from Lemon Juice, Lemon Juice tastes different from Orange Juice, Orange Juice tastes different from Grapefruit Juice, Grapefruit Juice tastes different from Tangerine Juice etc. In that same way Pinot Noir Grape Wine tastes different from Cabernet Sauvignon Grape Wine, Cabernet Sauvignon takes different from Merlot Grape Wine, Merlot tastes different from Nebbiolo Grape Wine etc.



I’d like to share Tom Blake’s work here with an extended quote excerpt placed here and some direct links to his articles on the Crafty Bartending website. So here goes:



Here’s what you need to know specifically:

In part 1 and for the rest of this article, we’ll go through the basics: what wine is, what a grape varietal is, and why people are fascinated by it.

In part 2, you’ll begin to develop the tools you need to explain the differences between wines. You’ll learn how to engage your senses by tasting wine, describing what you taste, and then pairing wine with food.

In part 3, you’ll learn how to apply what you’ve learned in part 2 and start recommending wine to a customer based on their preferences. Then, you’ll learn how to serve that wine like a pro.

And finally, in part 4, we’ll bring it all together and start honing your knowledge & skills by applying what you’ve learned to the most important grape varieties.”



It may be linkbait, but its damned good writing and Im glad to help by sending some link juice their way. Happy bartending, and happy reading!

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