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How to Make Falernum

Making Falernum – named after an ancient Roman wine. 

The zest of 9 limes (No pith!)
Fresh Ginger (3″ piece, skin removed, sliced “Julienne” into what looks like McDonalds French Fries)
Blanched Slivered Almonds (2 tbsp)
Fresh Cloves (40 cloves)

Turn on your stove burner to a medium heat.

Dry roast the olive slivers and cloves. Keep a close eye on them so nothing blackens. Dry roast for about 5 minutes, remove, and let cool for about 3 minutes.

In a glass jar add the ginger, the lime zest, and then add the toasted almonds and cloves that have been roasted.

Add 3/4 cup (6 oz) of white Rum (151, but 80 proof will do in a pinch)

Cap the jar and shake. Set aside and wait 24 hours (longer if it’s 80 proof)

Pour through a nutmilk bag or a cheesecloth to strain and let drip.

Pour 3/4 cup of warm water and 1 1/2 cups of white sugar into a jar and shake about 5 minutes to make a nice fresh, crisp simple syrup.

Take the nutmilk bag or cheesecloth and squeeze out as much of the juice as you can, and add the mix to the simple syrup.

Add 3 tbsp of fresh, double strained lime juice to the mix. (You can pour the remaining double strained lime juice into an ice mold and freeze it for use in drinks if you don’t want to use it in sour mix)

Add 1/4 tsp of organic almond extract.

Bottle it, cork it, refrigerate it and it’ll ast a month or more.



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