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How to Make Passion Fruit Syrup

Passion Fruit Grows From Northern Brazil to Argentina

Get 7 to 10 passion fruits, about $2 apiece (they look kind of like big plums). Cut them in half and scoop out the contents into a bowl.

You’ll get about 1/2 cup of Passion Fruit innards.

Over a Medium Heat in a Saucepan, heat:

1 cup organic Cane Sugar

1 cup pure water

1/2 cup Passion Fruit innards (no pith!)

Stir over medium heat, and bring it to a gentle boil for a minute.

Remove from heat, cover, and let it cool for about an hour.

Now add two more passion fruit innards to it to brighten it up and give it some fresh flavor. (optional – here’s where those 2 to 3 “extra” passion fruits you bought come in!)

Strain it through a sieve and you should have about 1 cup.

(The extra pulp? You can blend up the pulp and use it on toast or add it to juice)

Transfer the mixture to a bottle.

Add 1 oz vodka to the top so it’ll preserve it up to a month in the fridge.

Cork it.


You’ll need about 4 ounces of this to make a very good Hurricane Cocktail!

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