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Drink Fraction Mnemonics and More – How to Memorize MORE (COMPLEX) Drink Recipes FASTER

Drink Fraction Mnemonics and MoreMore on Drink Mnemonics and Bartending. This video covers drink recipe memorization focusing in on how to associate fractions of ounces to ingredients in a list. Bartenders once shared a LOT of methods with druggists in the 1800s and early 1900’s because they were always preparing “compounds” made of various precise amounts of different drugs combined. Of course we were mostly (mostly! but not always!) preparing drinks using various alcohols in combinations – but we also prepared our own various flavored liqueurs, bitters, syrups, and so forth, because “store bought” didn’t exist. Today we don’t do as much of that today, though some bars actually are getting back to our American roots and producing amazing products themselves, in-house. What we DO though, that is the same, is make many various drinks that fall slightly outside of character and category where we’re putting in a lot of ingredients in varying exact amounts that we must memorize precisely if we wish to remain true to the drink’s original recipe. I’d like to thank Dr. Anthony Metivier for his inspiration when he compared visiting memorized material (in a “Memory Palace”, in his description) to a Stage Director of a play, where things can be worked on and improved each time to make the associations stronger, more personal, and more varied.
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