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Learn to Bartend From Home [Free Bartender Training]

Learn to Bartend From Home [Free Bartender Training]

In case you’re new to everything bartending (or are expanding to YouTube training fairly recently) this video is by Dave Allred, a bartender and bar owner. His advice is straightforward, he shoots from the hip, tells it like it is, and his style and understanding of tools and techniques are one basic standard, at a level acceptable today (There is little provable, universally accepted “one correct method” for most things bar related.) I have criticisms, but he is training and that’s more than I can say for myself as of right this moment.

Dave’s brief YouTube description below his video of what his course is about (no links, go check his video on YouTube if you want them):

In this video I’m going to give you a free bartender training on how you can physically practice and learn to bartend right from the comfort of your own home. There is no need to go to bartending school and spend an enormous amount of money. For $21, I’m going to teach how to do it from home, including the four most important training methods you should be working on (which I simply call the PSSS method): Pouring, Shaking, Straining and Stirring. Enjoy.

I haven’t examined all of Dave Allred’s videos or posts, or purchased his course training, but from What I have seen he’s great. That said, we each learned differently in different locations, at different times (I started in 1980)n worked under different conditions, and learned from different experiences (what works, what doesn’t, and why), and from different people whose expertise and experience varied from one another’s too, so there is no “lock step, goose step, MY way is the one and only right way. 🙂 (Except that, rule #1, I’m always right).

I would recommend a different system for learning how to pour accurately by using Bar Products “PourCheck” system for $23.95 for six (video below).

For the most part, until I’m up and running with a full course I am endorsing him as a good go-to instructor. He’ll get you moving along quickly in the right direction.


I overthink things. My course material is from a lifetime of bartending plus books: about 1,000 bartending, bar management, wine-beer-and-spirit books and … well … what’s MY problem then? Always procrastination, perfectionism, and harsh self criticism — in short, I’m a closet neurotic introvert. So take what you can get NOW and don’t hold your breath for my training which definitely is coming, hopefully sooner than later.

My course is in the works. Read my blog posts for now… and I hope you had a very wonderful and Happy Fourth! (Photo of fireworks at the beach in Siesta Key, Fl.)

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