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What to Look For in a New Bar When Looking For Bartending Work

A bartender asked: “So when choosing a new place to tend bar what (do you) look for? …”

I answered: “Is the bar liquor (Bartender) or are they looking for a Server-Bartender (food and liquor), how packed it is (or how packed does it get), the back bar and POS, rubber floor mats, the garnishes (old and crusty, brown and slippery or dried out), management & employees, is there tip sharing, the specialty menu, how long is each shift and are there breaks.

But there are three other questions now to add – what is the legal occupancy capacity (how many people can be fit into the place?), how many bar stools are there? (25 are good, 40 are better) And how many bartenders are behind the bar? (I’ve seen up to 5 bartenders behind a bar I could handle by myself – so they (the extra four bartenders) are SERIOUSLY eating into my tips).

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