Best POS I ever used was an earlier MICROS that let me personally, under my number, ring up over a million dollars worth of drinks in today’s dollars per year, year after year!
A lot of New, slow, way over complicated multi level deep windows systems with dozens and dozens of modifiers STINK as POS systems because they’re inefficient for bartenders. They’re not made to increase income, they’re made to decrease accounting and management work. Lazy managers and owners like them, but not owners and managers who don’t mind a few hours of work in exchange for making a lot more money. It may sound harsh that I’m putting this so bluntly, but if there’s one thing in my life that I’m absolutely certain of working in Manhattan bars where I could move as fast as I could move for several hours in a row, non stop mixing and serving drinks, it’s that in a busy bar every single solitary fraction of a second away from the POS is money in the bank!
These slower and more bloated, multi level drill down menu POSs COST and LOSE so much money it should literally be seen as a crime.
Somebody’s getting ripped off. …some accountant analyst saying “by not using our POS you’re leaving $50 on the table” when in fact you’re actually LOSING $500 in sales to GET that $50! And the accountant says “you could increase your win by 2.4% on $500 worth of sales” except that your bartender SHOULD have been with the customers selling $2,000 worth and not have been focused on a POS slowing everything down to $500 – owner just “made” $12 (2.4% of $500) but LOST $1,488 ($2,000-$12) worth of actual sales.

Site Author, David J. Curtis: David Curtis, a seasoned professional with decades of Bartending and Bar Management experience began his career in Midtown Manhattan, NY, tending and managing bars before diving into Manhattan’s bustling nightlife club scene. Over the years, he has mastered high-volume, high-pressure bartending as the lead bartender in iconic Midtown Manhattan nightclubs (Pursuits, Sybils, Club 53), Coconuts Comedy Club, the Fitzpatrick Hotel, British Airways Hotel, and tended bar briefly in the Wall Street area, generating over $1,350,000.00 annually in personal drink sales. He has since extended his expertise to establishments in Georgia (Marriot Hotel) and now Tampa Florida, in an Exclusive Platinum Service Award winning club. David’s roles as a Bartending Instructor at the American Bartending School in Tampa, while maintaining a second job bartending, and his years experience of managing bars, and working as a Brand Ambassador along with his extensive professional library of over 1,000 bartending books, highlight his dedication to continually refining his craft. He holds a diploma in Bar Management and is BarSmarts certified by Pernod Ricard.